Molts quilòmetres de desert, de no-res, cap ombra i molta calor per endavant

Anem a Azerbaidjan | On our way: Azerbaidjan

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(English version below)

Un cop caminades Tailàndia, Birmània, Bangladesh, Índia, Pamir, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan i Iran amb aproximadament uns 8.800 quilòmetres als peus, ara ens endinsem a Azerbaidjan.

Després de Tailàndia, des de Birmània vàrem saltar a Àsia central per poder caminar Pamir, Tadjikistan i Uzbekistan evitant el seu cru hivern, així com també l’asfixiant monsó a Bangladesh i Índia. A continuació vàrem reprendre la ruta a Bangladesh, un pèl massa aviat per que les primeres setmanes ens ofegàvem de calor, humitat i en alguna que altra tempesta de final de monsó. Entrar a Índia per passar tot l’hivern ens va regalar perfectes temperatures diürnes, però poques hores de llum amb fredes nits i matinades on la boira espessa ens va acabar de congelar.
Al llarg d’aproximadament 1.500 quilòmetres hem creuat Iran, començant pel desert que toca a Turkmenistan i arribant a les portes d’Azerbaidjan, amb la forta calor molt humida del mar Caspi.

Ara anem a Azerbaidjan.

Aquesta breu entrada és per ’informar’ que no tenim ni idea de quina serà la connectivitat, accés a internet, a electricitat per carregar el mòbil… de que disposarem, pel que consegüentment, no tenim ni idea de si podrem mantenir la freqüència de publicacions a la web i a les xarxes socials.

Mirarem de fer-ho tan sovint com ens sigui possible, però com sempre, si no podem comunicar-nos, actualitzar o publicar com fins ara, assumiu que estem feliçment caminant entre bones persones i sobretot, que estem bé (o molt bé).

Així doncs, faré / farem el que bonament podrem, sense oblidar-nos de tots vosaltres que molt amablement ens seguiu, us interesseu per nosaltres, ens recolzeu i doneu ànims per continuar i als que us estem MOLT agraïts.

Our walking route in Iran. We walked about 1,500 kilometers from the Turkmenistan border to the Azerbaijan border. We had a couple extra to do non-walking side trips to Shiraz, Yazd, Esfahan and Tehran.
Our walking route in Iran. We walked about 1,500 kilometers from the Turkmenistan border to the Azerbaijan border. We had a couple extra weeks to do non-walking side trips to Shiraz, Yazd, Esfahan and Tehran.

English version

A tinge of sadness sweeps over us as we leave Iran and step over the border to Azerbaijan.

Iranians have been incredibly kind to us these last three months as we added another 1,500 kilometers to our westward journey. Their hospitality and generosity is unforgettable. We have made many new friends here, and we carry memories of all of them in our hearts.

In the same breath we say “bedrood” (goodbye in Farsi), we say “Tanış olmağıma çox şadam” (pleased to meet you in Azeri). We enter another country we know little about, in a part of Asia we come to like more with each passing day.

Hopefully, the handful of Azeri words we’ll pick up along the way will again help us form quick, and maybe lasting, friendships, like the ones we have made along the way.

We have about 600 kilometers to walk in this new country, and, barring any setbacks, we will finish this stretch on our 30-day visa. It will be bit of a rush as we’ll have to stick to a prescribed distance almost every day, but we also want to finish Georgia and start Turkey before the cold winter weather sets in. We’ll see how walking in hot August goes, and if September brings us a cool reprieve.

As always, we have no idea what our connectivity will be like in Azerbaijan, or how soon we’ll be back online. We have scheduled a few blogs for August, if you are lazing around a beach or chilling out at a coffee shop and want to do some armchair traveling. We’ll post on Instagram when we can.

Thanks for walking with us!


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