
Anem a Bangladesh | On Our Way: Bangladesh

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Un cop caminades Tailàndia, Birmània, Pamir, Tadjikistan i Uzbekistan amb aproximadament uns 3.500 quilòmetres al sac, ara ens endinsem a Bangladesh.

Thailand. Done. Burma. Done. The Pamirs, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. Done, done, done.  Now, it’s time to jump south again and start walking in Bangladesh.

(English version below)

Ja varem comentar el salt fet entre el tram de la nostra ruta format per Tailàndia + Birmània i el bloc d’Àsia central format per Pamir + Tadjikistan + Uzbekistan. Saltàvem i caminàvem per Àsia central amb l’objectiu de fer un bon tros de ruta abans del duríssim hivern i a l’hora per tal d’evitar el malson del monsó al sud-est asiàtic. Ara esperem que el monsó hagi acabat o si més no afluixat molt, doncs és veritablement un malson. Les noticies que hem llegit parlen, només enguany a Bangladesh, d’unes 250.000 cases afectades o destruïdes i 3.700.000 persones afectades.

Ara comencem un altre bloc de la nostra ruta format per Bangladesh, Índia i Pakistan que ens tindrà ‘entretinguts i enfeinats’ durant els propers mesos. Si tot ens va bé i podem completar aquesta llarga etapa, aconseguirem gairebé unir els 2 trams ja fets. Ara comencem un llarg periple amb la intenció, entre moltes altres, de gairebé unir Birmània amb el Pamir i Tadjikistan.

Aquesta breu entrada és per ’informar’ que no tenim ni idea de quina serà la connectivitat, accés a internet, a electricitat per carregar el mòbil… de que disposarem, pel que consegüentment, no tenim ni idea de si podrem mantenir la freqüència de publicacions a la web i a les xarxes socials.

Mirarem de fer-ho tan sovint com ens sigui possible, però com sempre, si no podem comunicar-nos, actualitzar o publicar com fins ara, assumiu que estem feliçment caminant entre bones persones i sobretot, que estem bé (o molt bé).

Així doncs, faré / farem el que bonament podrem, sense oblidar-nos de tots vosaltres que molt amablement ens seguiu, us interesseu per nosaltres, ens recolzeu i doneu ànims per continuar i als que us estem MOLT agraïts.


As we mentioned many before, our route isn’t always a straight line. It’s more like a jigsaw puzzle.

We walked Thailand and Burma from January to April, with each month getting hotter and hotter. In May and June, we enjoyed comfortable mountain weather in the Pamirs and not-too-hot days in other parts of Tajikistan, places we have no intention of visiting in winter. We roasted in July walking through Uzbekistan’s very hot, arid desert region, and were overwhelmed by the amount of water being used for cotton, rice and melons. Although we were melting in the sun and had some crisis days, we kept telling ourselves that it was better to be hot and dry in Uzbekistan in July than to be hot and wet in July during Bangladesh’s monsoon.

Now with two months of heavy caloric intake to gain back weight and lots of rest under our packs, we will leap south and pick up our trail in Bangladesh, India and, possibly, Pakistan. We have our fingers crossed that the monsoon rains are done for the year and that flood waters have receded. We saw recent news reports that some 3.7 million people and 250,000 homes were impacted or destroyed by recent floods this summer.

As always, how we move depends on weather, visas, geopolitical circumstances and our health. If all goes well, we’ll be walking a long stretch of many months, likely through at least next spring. Our idea is to link as much as possible our Southeast Asia and Central Asia legs into part our long, connected map line.

Like in other places, we have no idea what the internet connectivity situation will be or how often we will be able to post or charge devices.

We’ll be online when we can, but, please, if you don’t hear from us immediately or often, assume all is well. In addition to the blog, Instagram is our main social media site (@bkkbcnonfoot),  which feeds our  Facebook and Twitter sites, and we try to post things there on a pretty regular basis.

Thank you again for joining us on this journey and please send a link around to friends and family you think may like a dose of armchair travel. You are the wind beneath our wings, as the song goes.

Thank you, feet and shoes, for helping us go the distance.
Thank you, feet and shoes, for helping us go the distance.


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4 thoughts on “Anem a Bangladesh | On Our Way: Bangladesh”

    1. Hi Bonnie, Thanks a lot for your constant suport and nice words. We keep throwing ourselves foolishly into this amazing world and challenging adventure. Big hugs!

    1. Gràcies Patri,
      Esperem que t’agradi i t’ho passis bé venint de viatge amb nosaltres, des d’allà on ens llegeixis.
      Petons per tots vosaltres i una abraçada.

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