Category Archives: Planning

Questions & Answers


We had an open and public Questions and Answers session some weeks ago and we would like to publish it in this entry post.

Why do we want to publish it? Because we think some of you who are kindly following our adventure-project-trip might find some of the questions and some answers useful or interesting. If you have been following us, you might know some answers already, but we think there were some interesting questions worth publishing. So here we go, this was the open Q&A. We hope you like it !

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Heading To Tajikistan

Having spent a few weeks enjoying off-route parts of  Burma and Kyrgyzstan and getting our visas and logistics sorted,  it’s time to start walking again… And, man, do we have  itchy feet! We are definitely getting antsy to begin our “whatever comes next” phase in Central Asia. Rest is a good thing, but restlessness is an impatient beastie.

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Bangkok. Bagan. Bishkek?!?


Thailand. Done. Burma/Myanmar. Done. If we were following a straight line, Bangladesh would be the next country on our walk. But, it won’t be.

Up next: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

BIshkek??? Kyrgyzstan??? You correctly may be telling yourself, “Why are you going there? That’s not even marked on your map!”

Continue reading Bangkok. Bagan. Bishkek?!?

La continuïtat de la ruta


De la mateixa manera que ens agradaria poder fer la nostra ruta de manera que no tinguem ‘forats al nostre formatge’, és a dir, caminant tots els quilòmetres que ens trobem entre Bangkok i Barcelona, també ens agradaria fer-la de manera continuada i en ordre. És a dir, primer Tailàndia, després Birmània, després Bangladesh, després l’Índia… però això no serà així.

Continue reading La continuïtat de la ruta

Daily Nest: Sleeping in Burma

Finding a safe place to sleep is one of our key priorities every day. It’s right up there with drinking potable water, eating enough calories and stretching our bodies during mid-day breaks.

The sleeping thing has proven to be harder than expected in Burma. It has turned into its own stressful job at the end of the day when we are exhausted from walking an average of 25-30 kilometers (about 15-18 miles) in +40-degree heat (about 110 in Fahrenheit).

Continue reading Daily Nest: Sleeping in Burma

Els forats del nostre formatge


Què és o quin és el nostre formatge?

El nostre formatge, el nostre gran pastís, és com jo veig la nostra ruta desitjadaÉs tot el trajecte terrestre entre Bangkok i Barcelona. Jo ho veig com un enorme, fascinant i deliciós repte per nosaltres, un gran pastís, un enorme i dens formatge que volem anar mossegant, assaborint i digerint mos a mos, pas a pas.

La nostra intenció, per tot el recorregut, és creuar a peu tots aquests estats, països, nacions, territoris… tot el que trobarem entre Bangkok i Barcelona. Aquest és el nostre pastís, el nostre formatge.

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A Gear Update: Letting Go and Starting Over

We fantasize about carts and other wheeled ways to help haul our stuff, and we’ll keeping entertaining and experimenting with those ideas in different places. We also often think about getting a pack animal, but reality quickly sets in: Where would we park a water buffalo in a city like Bangkok or Yangon?

So, for the time being, we’re sticking with the idea we started with. We will carry what we need on our backs and make do the best we can.

Continue reading A Gear Update: Letting Go and Starting Over