Category Archives: Planning

Our New Reality

Our first week walking has been full of surprises. Every day we learn something new, and the practice of living in the moment has taken on new meaning.

We headed out of Bangkok uncertain of what lies ahead, but knowing that we had to stop thinking about the big overwhelming mission of crossing Asia and Europe. We had to shift our focus to the here and now. Out walking, the best we can do is have a weekly goal, a daily objective and an hourly status check to see where our bodies and heads are at. We measure progress step by step, minute to minute and one kilometer to the next.

This past week gave us many opportunities to test this “right now” game plan. What we’re learning most is how to manage our own expectations of what this trip will look like on a day-to-day basis and what our bodies can handle.

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What’s In Our Packs?

English version only. To translate this post, click here. Versió en anglès només. Per traduir aquest post, feu clic aquí.

We’re starting our trip with backpacks and the most important things we need.

Down the road, we may consider using a cart or come up with  some other way of carrying water for long distances.  Carrying enough water is our most important concern, and when towns and people are more spread out and water is scarce, we’ll have to invent a solution.

For now, and through much of Southeast Asia, we intend to haul our homes on our back. The goal is to keep our individual total pack weight (everything on us and in our bags) to a relatively manageable 13-15 kilos (28-33 pounds); 10-11 kilos is really the sweet spot we’re aiming for.

Here’s a near-final list of what we are planning to bring with us. We’re still paring this down, and hope to trim a few more grams where we can.  Everything weighs something, even the smallest items, and we’ll have to take a hard look at what we really need and what we can do without.

Our packing priorities fall into a handful of mainstream “survivalist” categories: water, food, shelter/sleep and staying warm, dry, healthy and safe. Since we live in a virtually connected world, we’ve also added digital nomad necessities to our inventory list.

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Empaquetant nostres vides

Click here for the English version.

Des de que hem entrat a la tardor, la planificació i totes les gestions relacionades amb la nostra aventura es van precipitant ràpidament. Ens trobem engolits en una cascada de petites i grans gestions amb les que bàsicament estem empaquetant les nostres vides a Catalunya. Les nostres tan estimades i privilegiades vides!

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Great Things Coming

Aquí teniu el post en Català. 

These last couple of months, we shared our concerns about planning a trip of this scale, we told you about our scariest what-if fears and showed you how worry worms into our heads.

Inevitably, good things are bound to happen, too.  That’s what our experience as independent travelers has shown us so far. Our backpacks, and our hearts, are filled with memories of small acts of kindness that made past trips unforgettable. Truth is, we’re actually counting on encountering more good things than bad things, and that’s a big reason why we’re moving forward with this life-changing walk.

What do our best-case scenarios look like?

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Grans Coses Ens Esperen

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Aquests dos últims mesos i durant la planificació d’un viatge d’aquesta envergadura hem compartit les nostres principals preocupacions. Hem parlat de les pors més profundes i d’aquelles altres que també ens preocupen i no deixen de passejar-se per dins els nostres cervells.

Inevitablement, grans i bones coses també ens succeiran. La veritat és que la riquesa i l’experiència acumulada al llarg de molts anys de viatges independents ens mostra la nostra motxilla de vivències molt més plena de coses bones que de mal tràngols. I amb aquesta il·lusió i esperança comptem per seguir endavant amb aquest viatge.

L’esperança i gairebé el convenciment de que grans coses ens esperen, ens fan seguir endavant amb determinació i ens dona forces per endinsar-nos en aquest apassionant viatge-projecte-canvi de vida.

Quins son alguns dels millors escenaris que ens podem trobar?

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The What Ifs

Aquí teniu el post en Català. 

There is so much to fear about a trip of this magnitude. The sheer amount of uncertainty and what-if, worst-case scenario thinking is maddening. News headlines scream all the terrible things we could face just about everywhere or anywhere we go.

But, like you, we have to filter out the news reports and keep moving through our day-to-day lives, hoping to remain unscathed. We’ll have to do the more or less the same thing when we’re walking.

Even so, now’s the time to ask some of the hardest questions we’ve ever thought about and figure out how to stare fear down.

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Uns Quants ‘I Si…’


Click here for the English version.

Hi ha tantes coses que ens amoïnen en aquest viatge. La gran incertesa, l’enorme quantitat de preguntes del tipus ‘I si …’ i/o pensar en els pitjors escenaris, son quelcom que a vegades ens supera. Les noticies (que gairebé sempre son males noticies) criden i escampen els pitjors escenaris que haurem d’afrontar cara a cara, especialment per molts dels indrets per on volem passar.

Però, com probablement tu, nosaltres tenim els nostres filtres i com som tossuts, continuem endavant amb les nostres vides. Dia a dia. Tossudament alçats. Perseverem amb la gran il·lusió de viure la vida, la nostra vida, esperant sortir-ne il·lesos. Només hem de fer el mateix quan comencem a caminar.

De totes maneres ara és el moment de plantejar-nos algunes de les qüestions més dures de la nostra vida i trobar la manera de gestionar-les evitant que ens paralitzin, posant en perill el nostre somni, la nostra aventura, el nostre viatge.

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Turning Questions Into Something Useful

Aquí teniu el post en Català. 

With more than 14,000 questions bouncing around our heads, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

To keep our sanity in check, we have to turn the list of questions into a pragmatic guide of expected results and possible outcomes.

At times, this is tough to do. There are specific things we must patiently work through in a certain order. Many other things, however, will evolve organically as we expand our general working knowledge and tackle each aspect of the trip. Life, after all, is a big excuse to keep learning, and this trip will undoubtedly give us an education in things we never considered before now.

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Convertint Les Preguntes en Quelcom Útil

Click here for the English version of this post.

Amb unes 14.000 preguntes repicant dins els nostres cervells, és fàcil veure’ns ofegats i atabalats.

Mirant de mantenir la calma i ser un xic eficients, hem de convertir aquesta interminable llista de preguntes en una guia pragmàtica d’on obtinguem resultats útils.

Sovint això és difícil de fer. Hi ha temes específics que hem d’atacar de manera pacient i sistemàtica. Hi ha d’altres que evolucionaran a mida que nosaltres desenvolupem o adquirim altres coneixements per tal de donar respostes a diferents aspectes del viatge. La vida, després de tot, és una gran excusa per seguir aprenent i aquesta aventura, sense cap mena de dubte, ens enriquirà i educarà en molts aspectes que mai havíem considerat abans.

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