Category Archives: Reflections

Who Does This?


Note: My version of this blog consolidates the many acts of kindness we received during our three months in Iran. Lluís, however, has done an incredible job writing about all of these experiences in much greater detail. If you really want to see how Iranians are, please take a few minutes and translate his post, Però quí fa tot això? from Catalan to English (Google Translate may help). All of these things happened to us…they are all true… and we are still overwhlemed thinking about how good people are to us!


We have been so lucky to be the recipients of all sorts of kindness for 18 months from Thailand to Uzbekistan.

But Iran takes hospitality to a completely different level, something we have not found anywhere else on this journey or on other “normal” trips.

Continue reading Who Does This?

A Hundred Times a Day

I quit this walk a hundred times a day. Really. Every single day.

I have conversations in my head all the time about how much I hate what we are doing, how I want my Barcelona life back, how I was happier then.

More often than I should, I count off all the reasons I want to stop, and all the things that make me tired.

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The Shortcut

“Look at the map. This dirt road may be a shortcut. We’ll avoid the main road and traffic, and maybe we’ll save a couple of kilometers.”

The sun is climbing over the horizon, the birds are up, and farmers on horses wave to us. The soft green rice paddies create the illusion of a morning hike out in nature, away from people and noise. We haven’t walked a trail like this for many months.

It sounded like a good option at 6 a.m.

Continue reading The Shortcut

Cheers to you

Hello Dear Followers,

We think of you all the time and want to thank you for your good wishes and ongoing support.

It’s hard doing what we do every day, but your kind words in the form of blog and social media comments, emails, Whatsapp, Messenger and Telegram messages, voicemails and donations give us so much energy. It may take us a while to respond to each of you individually, but please know that we read everything you write and feel your love. Your hellos and notes make us smile and help us believe we have what it takes to keep going.

Cheers to all of you! We love you, and we always carry you in our hearts. We are so grateful you are in our lives and part of this walking journey!

Walking onwards,

Your two happy walkers