Category Archives: What We Found

Walking the Wakhan Valley


We round a bend on the bumpy road, and I am immediately spellbound. I want to ask the driver to stop the car so I can fall to my knees and bow in honor the beauty before me. My jaw keeps slipping towards my chest with each rock we roll over. My eyes tear up.

“My god. It’s beautiful.” I whisper over the lump in my throat. I can’t make my mouth spit out the words, “Stop, please, stop. We must see this greatness at a standstill.”

I have never before truly understood what compels climbers to summit the world’s biggest mountains, but now I catch a glimmer into their psyche. Staring at the Hindu Kush from the road snaking through Tajikistan’s southern corner, all I want to do is touch these faraway jagged, snowy peaks. Touching them with my eyes is not enough. I want to touch them with my soul.

Continue reading Walking the Wakhan Valley



Tal i com comentem en les nostres dues entrades, la continuïtat de la ruta o Bangkok.Bagan.Bishkek?!? aquests dies hem deixat el sud-est asiàtic per saltar al cor de l’Àsia central.

Acabades Tailàndia i Birmània hem tornat a Bangkok per volar fins a Bixkek, la capital de Kirgizistan on a part de visitar i conèixer un xic més aquesta part del món totalment desconeguda per nosaltres, ens hem atansat aquí per obtenir els visats dels següents 2 estats/països que tenim a la nostra ruta. Tadjikistan i Uzbekistan.

Continue reading Myawaddy-Bangkok-Bixkek

Curiosities From…Burma


What makes travel fun is noticing the quirky things that are unique or special to a place. Walking makes those things appear in slow motion and gives us more time to mull them over.

Here are a few of the curiosities we spotted in Burma, a series we started in Thailand and hope to continue with each country we pass through. Lluís and I often spot different things, so read/translate his list to chuckle twice as much (His post about Burma will be posted the same day as this one, and here is take on Thailand).

Continue reading Curiosities From…Burma



Aquesta entrada te el patrocini o agraeix la seva existència a la burocràcia i burrrrocràcia que ens obliga a fer una ridícula, cara i molt emprenyadora volta.  Per què? Per obtenir un altre patètic adhesiu / segell als nostres trillats i plens passaports per tal de renovar un permís d’estada a un territori, troç de terra, part del nostre meravellós planeta. Aquest molt emprenyador invent anomenat visat. 

Continue reading Pyinmana-Yangon-Bangkok-Pyinmana