Pont de l'amistat, frontera Tailàndia - Birmània.

Entrem a Birmània | Heading to Burma

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(English version below)

Aquesta breu entrada i ara que comencem a endinsar-nos a Birmània és per ’informar’ que no tenim ni idea de quina serà la connectivitat, accés a internet, a electricitat per carregar el mòbil… de que disposarem, pel que consegüentment, no tenim ni idea de si podrem mantenir aquesta alta freqüència de publicacions a la web, i les xarxes socials.

Mirarem de fer-ho tan sovint com ens sigui possible, però hi ha 2 coses importants a tenir en compte:

  1. Escriure tant i tan sovint és una feinada molt gran que dubto sigui sostenible i pugui mantenir per molt de temps.
  2. Les notícies que tenim d’ altres viatgers que acaben d‘arribar d’allà parlen de molts pocs allotjaments i molt poca infraestructura turística.

Per tant, si no podem actualitzar o publicar tant com fins ara, assumiu que estem feliçment caminant entre bones persones i sobretot, que estem bé (o molt bé).

Així doncs, faré / farem el que bonament podrem, sense oblidar-nos de tots vosaltres que molt amablement ens seguiu, us interesseu per nosaltres, ens recolzeu i doneu ànims per continuar i a qui us estem MOLT agraïts.

Noves lletres !!!!



English version:

We finished Thailand, and are crossing over to Burma. We’re very excited to change countries, and based on what we’ve heard this past week, there will be a lot to love in Burma, including its people.

With change of passport stamps comes many other changes we have to adopt to, including  a new language with different letters, a different culture with different routines and norms, different food and water, and, very likely, less Internet connectivity and less reliable electricity sources. We have also heard that sleeping arrangements for backpackers is much less developed in Burma than in Thailand, so that means we don’t know exactly where our feet will take us every day.

This last month, too, we’ve learned that while we love sharing our trip via blogs and social media, posting with the frequency we did in Thailand is sometimes a challenge, and will become a greater challenge as we move through countries with less developed infrastructure. We will do the best we can to post as frequently as we can, but please know it may only be a few photos during the week and shorter blog posts every now and again. If you don’t hear from us in a few days, assume we are happily walking disconnected.

Thanks for following us. Knowing you’re tracking us makes our footsteps feel lighter and makes the kilometers go by quicker. THANK YOU!




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3 thoughts on “Entrem a Birmània | Heading to Burma”

  1. Hooooola a tot dos!!!
    Veig que esteu sans i estalvis!!.

    Em feu certa enveja (no les matinades a les 04.00!!!!!), però si les experiències, els paisatges, la gent.

    Gaudiu molt. Petons.

    1. Marta, moltes gràcies pel comentari i per seguir-nos. Una abraçada. Jenn i Lluís
      Esperem que estiguis completament recuperada. Petons per tota la família.

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