Després de caminar hores i hores per la jungla d’asfalt amb un tràfic terrible però també una impressionant arquitectura, hem decidit amagar-nos dels 33°C i la letal xafogor al parc Lumphini, un oasi de verdor i tranquil·litat al cor de Bangkok.
I això és el que ens hem trobat en obrir els ulls, tot emparrant-se al nostre costat!!!
After walking hours and hours through Bangkok’s asphalt jungle, admiring its architecture and weaving through traffic jams, we strolled into the stunning Lumphini Park for a brief respite from the 33°C heat (about 100°F) and sweat-like-a-pig humidity.
This green lung in the middle of the city is where locals come to walk, jog, cycle and stretch out in the shade. Other locals, like this beautiful beast, climb trees…right next to where we were sitting! Meanwhile, Jenn prefers to hug them.
The boys loved the giant lizard as they called it climbing up the tree. I guess he was looking for shade too.