Estimats familiars, amics, coneguts, lectors, seguidors … estimats tots, us desitgem un MOLT BON ANY NOU 2018 ple de salut, felicitat i alegria.
Dear family, friends, readers, followers, we wish you all a VERY GOOD NEW YEAR. May 2018 be filled with health, happiness and joy.
(English version below)
Estimats familiars, amics, coneguts, lectors, seguidors … estimats tots, us desitgem un MOLT BON ANY NOU 2018 ple de salut, felicitat i alegria.
Ha estat l’any 2017 un bon any per vosaltres? L’heu gaudit plenament? Heu pogut ajudar a d’altres persones ha tenir un bon any també? Esperem que sí.
Nosaltres, com podeu seguir a aquesta web, seguim feliçment caminant per aquest meravellós planeta en el que vivim. Ja hem fet Tailàndia, Birmània, Bangladesh, Índia, Pamir, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Azerbaidjan, Geòrgia i ara estem creuant Turquia, a poc a poc, tot xino-xano, pas a pas. Els poc més de 10.500 quilòmetres caminats ens han deixat un munt de records i experiències, la gran majoria bones. Per aquest 2018 esperem poder comptar amb la mateixa bona salut i bona sort per poder caminar un altre bon tros de món, atansant-nos un xic més a casa.
Us tornem a convidar a seguir-nos a través d’ aquesta web o per les xarxes socials com i a compartir amb els vostres familiars, amics i coneguts el que viurem aquest any que tot just encetem.
Molts records, abraçades i petons per tots i totes.
Dear family, friends, readers, followers, we wish you all a VERY GOOD NEW YEAR. May 2018 be filled with health, happiness and joy.
Was 2017 a good year? Did you enjoy it and live it fully? Did you help others enjoy it as well? We really hope so.
We, as you know from reading this website, we keep happily walking this amazing planet we live in. We have already done Thailand, Burma, Pamir, Bangladesh, India, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Azerbadjan, Georgia and now we are crossing Turkey, little by little, step by step. The slightly more than 10,500 kilometers already walked have created a ton of memories and experiences, mostly good ones.
For 2018, we hope to keep our good health and good luck as we walk another big chunk of the world, getting closer to home.
We invite you again to follow us through this website or on social media, like Please share our journey with your friends and others. Let’s start the next phase of the journey together. Cheers to 2018, and wherever it takes all of us!
Best regards, wishes and hugs!

Rest and restore yourselves during your break. Best wishes for health and easy passage through the last leg of your amazing journey in 2018. So much gratitude to you two for sharing your experience of parts of this world I’ll never know. xo
Hello Bonnie,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! May 2018 bring you buckets of happiness, blanket you in strength and compassion and open doors to abundance.
We are very much relishing our down time, and also looking forward to continuing on to our European phase. We still have a couple months of walking in Turkey, but inching towards Europe gives us comfort.
Big hug, Jenn & Lluís
You continue to be an inspiration to me and all your followers.
Stay healthy, happy and committed to finishing your journey. Will it be in 2018?
All my best to you,
Hello Linda,
Thank you for being a constant source of inspiration for us! We wish you a joyous 2018, and hope health, luck and abundance follows you into this new year.
Will we finish in 2018? We’re not sure yet when we will finish. In our heads, we have given ourselves three to five years to do this long walk; 2018 will begin our third year. We have a few route options for Europe, and we’ll also have the advantage that we won’t need visas once we are in EU countries. Ideally, this means we will have more time to explore on-route and off-route places, linger longer if we want more rest and, hopefully, spend more time walking in nature instead of alongside traffic. We have to factor in weather as well. Winter walking isn’t fun for us. We’ll see how far we can go in 2018, and how much ground we can cover through the spring, summer and fall.
Big hugs,
Jenn & Lluís
Hi Jenn,
Let me introduce myself,
I’m Joan and yesterday I attended your talking at Jaume Fuster’s library and at the end we were swapping ideas about your incredible trip- especially the linkage to the WILD film about a solo hike of more than 1000 km by one woman´s at States-.
I wish you the best of luck and may the FORCE be with you.
Best wishes
Hi Joan,
Thanks for joining us at the library, asking questions during the session and following us here. It was nice meeting you and sharing our experience with the group. If you like to hear more about our walk, we are doing a similar Q&A session at Vapor Vell library on Feb. 15, at 19h.
Anyone who starts a long walk has my respect. One way or another we find our way forward, even if we don’t practice with the camping stove before setting out :-).
Thanks, too, for the good vibes. We’ll put some of those wishes in our backpacks when we return to Turkey in a few weeks.