Tag Archives: backpacks

Els primers 1.000 km |Our First 1,000 kilometers (aprox)

(English version below)

Doncs ja tenim fets els primers 1.000 km aproximadament (ja fa dies). Insisteixo en l’aproximadament doncs és difícil comptar tot el que fem.

Aquests 1.000 km inclouen els que fem amb les motxilles entre punt A i B, més els que també caminem amb totes les motxilles quan cerquem allotjament o quan alliberats i lleugers visitem indrets.

Continue reading Els primers 1.000 km |Our First 1,000 kilometers (aprox)

What’s In Our Packs?

English version only. To translate this post, click here. Versió en anglès només. Per traduir aquest post, feu clic aquí.

We’re starting our trip with backpacks and the most important things we need.

Down the road, we may consider using a cart or come up with  some other way of carrying water for long distances.  Carrying enough water is our most important concern, and when towns and people are more spread out and water is scarce, we’ll have to invent a solution.

For now, and through much of Southeast Asia, we intend to haul our homes on our back. The goal is to keep our individual total pack weight (everything on us and in our bags) to a relatively manageable 13-15 kilos (28-33 pounds); 10-11 kilos is really the sweet spot we’re aiming for.

Here’s a near-final list of what we are planning to bring with us. We’re still paring this down, and hope to trim a few more grams where we can.  Everything weighs something, even the smallest items, and we’ll have to take a hard look at what we really need and what we can do without.

Our packing priorities fall into a handful of mainstream “survivalist” categories: water, food, shelter/sleep and staying warm, dry, healthy and safe. Since we live in a virtually connected world, we’ve also added digital nomad necessities to our inventory list.

Continue reading What’s In Our Packs?