Tag Archives: Europe
Arribem a Catalunya!!!! | On our way: Catalonia!!!!
Un cop caminades Tailàndia, Birmània, Bangladesh, Índia, Pamir, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Azerbaidjan, Geòrgia, Turquia, Grècia, Macedònia, Albània, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croàcia, Eslovènia, Itàlia i França amb aproximadament uns 15.700 quilòmetres als peus, ara finalment arribem a CATALUNYA, arribem a casa nostra !!!!
Wow! We finished France, and have crossed into CATALONIA!!!! Yes, with around 15,700 kilometers on our feet, we are really, truly in the home stretch!!
Before we go into final countdown mode, let’s pause and reflect on our time in France.
Continue reading Arribem a Catalunya!!!! | On our way: Catalonia!!!!
Anem a França | On our way: France
Un cop caminades Tailàndia, Birmània, Bangladesh, Índia, Pamir, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Azerbaidjan, Geòrgia, Turquia, Grècia, Macedònia, Albània, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croàcia, Eslovènia i Itàlia amb aproximadament uns 15.000 quilòmetres als peus, ara entrem a França.
Ciao, Italy! We are so sad to say goodbye. Really, it has been a blast!
You Italians, with your expressive hand gestures, kind hearts, wonderful espresso and delicious food, you keep winning us over, again and again. We have been so grateful to get to know you better and call you friends. We’ll miss you, truly.
But, you know how it goes. We’ve got to keep on moving, and France is up next.
Daily Nest: Montenegro
There is always something special about camping under trees. They give us a sense of protection as night falls around us in an unfamiliar space.
In Montenegro, chestnut trees, some of which were a few hundred years old, also gave me a much-needed sense of calm… at least for a few hours.
Our Long Walk – El Nostre Llarg Camí
Bangkok to Barcelona
Our trip, our dream and our challenge is to follow this planned route. • El nostre viatge, el nostre somni i el nostre repte vol seguir aquesta ruta planificada.