We’re back in Italy, and starting the last stretch of our walk.
Hem tornat a Itàlia i comencem l’última etapa de la nostra caminada.
Here we go again. The coldest part of winter is behind us, and it’s time to pick up our backpacks and walk ahead.
The first days will likely be tough as our bodies readjust to the pace of seeing the world by foot, but our motivation is pretty high. We *only* have about 1,500 kilometers left to walk to Barcelona, about 932 miles!
This is our last 10% of a long journey that started January 2016 in Bangkok. We hope good health, good luck and good weather follow us through Italy, France and Catalonia!
Tornem a la feina, a la ruta, a l’aventura. La part més freda de l’hivern queda enrere i és hora de tornar-se a penjar les motxilles i continuar endavant.
Els primers dies probablement seràn durs, ja que els nostres cossos es tornen a ajustar al ritme de veure el món a peu, però la nostra motivació és bastant alta. Només ens resten uns 1.500 quilòmetres a peu per arribar a Barcelona, unes 932 milles!
Aquest és aproximadament el nostre últim 10% d’un llarg viatge que va començar el gener de 2016 a Bangkok. Esperem que la bona salut, la bona sort i el bon temps ens acompanyin a través de Itàlia, França i finalment a casa nostra, Catalunya.
Hello dear friends
We hope to start with the start of spring
Have fun again!
Your friend: Ahmed and Hakimeh
Hello Ahmed and Hakimeh,
Thank you, always, for your good wishes and for following along with us! We are off to a good start so far in Italy. And, happy belated new year to you!
Be well. Big hugs.
Hi Jenn and Lluis,
Want to wish you both good luck.
I will be doing the same walk, hopefully starting this year.
If you ever have time I would really appreciate some tips and any info based on your experience.
It’s difficult to know exactly where to start regarding preparation etc.
Godspeed and hope to hear from you soon,
Steven Lee Lewis.
Hello Steven,
We are excited to hear about your journey! Doing a long, multi-year walk requires a good amount of planning, particularly when it comes to figuring out your route and getting the necessary visas. But don’t be intimidated. Once you start walking, you realize you have many inner resources that will help guide you ahead. Be open to whatever comes, say yes to life, and as my father wisely said, “your mission every day is to find a safe place to sleep.”
We would be happy to share info with you. It’s a bit difficult when we are walking, but maybe during one of our rest days in May we can chat on a phone call via Skype or WhatsApp. We saw your Facebook message and will email you soon.
Happy walking,
Jenn and Lluís