BABA-Mapa pastis

Gràcies per començar | Starting With Thank You!

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Abans de marxar de casa per capbussar-nos a la nostra aventura volem donar les gràcies a totes aquelles persones que fins avui ens han ajudat d’una manera o altra.


Before leaving home and diving  into our adventure, we want to thank everyone who has  helped us so far,  in one way or another. Here’s a special shout out to:


Hvala! ขอบคุณ! ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်! তোমাকে ধন্যবাদ.धन्यवाद! сипос! Rahmat! გმადლობთ! Teşekkür ederim! Təşəkkür edirəm!آپ کا شکریہ! благодаря! Хвала! Grazie! Merci!


Paying it Forward

While we’re leaving with our  hearts full of gratitude, we want to begin the trip being an example of the goodness we want to share along the way.

We chose to use a portion of the donations we have received so far here in Catalonia. We contributed to the Marató de TV3 (Catalan national television) annual fundraising, which in 2015 benefited organizations doing reserch against obesity and diabetes. These are diseases that have become  widespread global issues, and directly affect people we love.

Thank you for helping us plant seeds of gratitude and goodness.

Compartint les vostres contribucions

Volem informar-vos també que ja hem dedicat una part de les vostres contribucions monetàries a la lluita contra l’obesitat i la diabetis a través de la Marató de TV3 celebrada aquest desembre 2015.

Gràcies per ajudar-nos a plantar llavors d’agraïment i bondat.

star light

* Marta va fer el pastís mostrat a la foto del blog. Ella ens va fer assaborir la nostra ruta amb xocolata!
* Marta baked us the cake in the photo at the top of the blog. She mapped our route in chocolate frosting! 


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