Want to lose weight? Come walk with us! We’ll show you how to drop a few kilos.
Want to lose weight? Come walk with us! We’ll show you how to drop a few kilos.
Un cop caminades Tailàndia, Birmània, Pamir, Tadjikistan i Uzbekistan amb aproximadament uns 3.500 quilòmetres al sac, ara us volem tornar a donar les gràcies per seguir amb nosaltres, per seguir recolzant-nos i ajudant-nos d’una manera o altra.
For those of you wondering, we have walked approximately 3,500 kilometers through Thailand, Burma/Myanmar, the Pamirs, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan since we set out in January 2016. It’s been an amazing, challenging, breathtaking, inspirational and not-always-easy walk so far, and we are looking forward to starting our next leg in Bangladesh and India in a few weeks when the monsoon season ends.
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Birmània – Recorregut detallat 2
Burma – Detailed route 2
A peu / On foot: Pyinmana, Wetkon, Pauktaw, Ayemyintthayar, Kyanboso, Chaungzauk, Ywathit, Aungban, Zegon, Kyidaunggan, Hlebyingwe, Thaikchaung, Nanaw, Tegon, Tatkon, Yamethin, Pyawbwe, Kandaung, Meiktila, Chaungna, Let Pan Eint-East, Zayetkon, Let Pan Pya, Bin Tel, Indaw Jel, Indaw, Kyauk Padaung, Nyaung-U, Old Bagan, New Bagan.
Aprox 330 km
No a peu / Not on foot: Myawaddy, Bago, Pyinmana
No a peu / Not on foot: Pakokku, Myingyan, Myotha, Mandalay, Bago, Mawlamyine, Moattama, Mahamyine, Myawaddy.
Aquestes son algunes de les curiositats que ens agradaria comentar:
What makes travel fun is noticing the quirky things that are unique or special to a place. Walking makes those things appear in slow motion and gives us more time to mull them over.
Here are a few of the curiosities we spotted in Burma, a series we started in Thailand and hope to continue with each country we pass through. Lluís and I often spot different things, so read/translate his list to chuckle twice as much (His post about Burma will be posted the same day as this one, and here is take on Thailand).
Aquesta és l’última entrada referida a la ruta feta dins Birmània. Acabada la nostra ruta a peu, aquests últims dies hem tornat a ser ‘motxillers normals’ agafant transports públics, dormint a cases d’hostes, gaudint molt de la ‘vida sobre rodes’…
Finding a place to sleep has been one of our biggest daily challenges on this stretch of the walk. In our Daily Nest post, we highlight a few of the places we slept during the last eight weeks. This is one night’s surprise.
It’s about 3 p.m., time for us to start thinking about where we will sleep. In Burma, this is never an easy task for the kind of trip we’re doing. We cross our fingers, ask the universe to fix something up for us, and hope a dash of luck and a good amount of patience and preserverance lead us somewhere safe.
Fa unes setmanes ens vàrem referir a les parades d’autobús a Tailàndia com els meus particulars temples tailandesos. Ara volem honorar les benzineres birmanes i totes les persones que hi treballen.
Aquí tenim el que hem viscut entre les dues poblacions que titulen l’entrada.
Com ja hem comentat en alguna ocasió, el nostre viatge-projecte-somni-aventura no només tracta de que nosaltres caminem, sinó que també volem ajudar a les persones al llarg de la nostra ruta, sempre que ens sigui possible.
Un cop tornats allà on vàrem quedar-nos abans d’acabar el primer visat, un cop retornats a Pyinmana, reprenem la nostra rutina i tornem a caminar.
Aquí tenim uns quants dies més del nostre recorregut.