Life is filled with lots of little moments. Here is one of them.
Introducing the One Moment series, dispatches about the ordinary things we appreciate in the present moment.
Life is filled with lots of little moments. Here is one of them.
Introducing the One Moment series, dispatches about the ordinary things we appreciate in the present moment.
Aquesta entrada fa referència al que ens ha succeït entre les poblacions del títol.
Bàsicament és el primer període de recuperació de Jenn després de la important operació quirúrgica.
Today marks six weeks after my hysterectomy. Here is a glimpse into how my healing has gone so far.
Aquesta entrada fa referència a un episodi de la vida de Jenn, de la nostra vida, que mai oblidarem.
Durant el que desitgem no siguin moltes setmanes, hem deixat temporalment la nostra ruta per enfrontar-nos a una important operació quirúrgica. Jenn ha patit un notable revés de salut que l’ha portat a visitar un quiròfan a Delhi. Continue reading Haridwar – Delhi
Our walk has been on hold since the beginning of February because of an unexpected turn of events. I had a medical setback requiring surgery. Thankfully, it was not life-threatening. I am healing well, and walking a little more each day without weight. Our long-distance walking will resume when my body is strong enough.
Here is a very personal story about the chain of events that led to the Feb. 9 operation. It’s gynecological-related. I tell you ahead of time so you won’t get squeamish. I’ve chosen to share this because it’s a very big marker along our walk, and I think many women will relate to it. There are also deeper stories here about our thought process, and the incredible kindness we were offered these last few months that deserve acknowledgement.
Mostly, this is an intimate view to my inner workings, and my journal about one of the more important choices I have had to make, to date, about my health.