Category Archives: South Asia

Recorregut detallat a 12-2017 | Detailed route Thailand-Turkey


Aquest és un llistat exhaustiu de totes les poblacions o indrets pels que hem passat, hem estat o visitat fins ara entre Tailàndia i Turquia.

Wondering where our feet have taken us? Here is a detailed list of nearly all the cities, villages, towns and places we walked through, slept in and visited from Thailand to Turkey.

Continue reading Recorregut detallat a 12-2017 | Detailed route Thailand-Turkey

India’s done! What’s next?

We let our feet soak for a couple of seconds in the cool, shallow pool of water. We step onto the sticky plastic mats, doing our best to ignore the clinking sounds of metal plates being tossed into the wash buckets in the busy community kitchen. We cross the elaborate archway, and stand on the hard marble floor. Our eyes are fixed on our prize: the Golden Temple.

For Sikhs, the Amritsar temple is the equivalent of the Christian’s Rome and the Muslim’s Mecca. Devotees from around the world come to bask in its welcoming glow. For me, this special place marks my official finish line for our walk in India.

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A Medical Detour

Our walk has been on hold since the beginning of February because of an unexpected turn of events. I had a medical setback requiring surgery. Thankfully, it was not life-threatening. I am healing well, and walking a little more each day without weight. Our long-distance walking will resume when my body is strong enough.

Here is a very personal story about the chain of events that led to the Feb. 9 operation. It’s gynecological-related. I tell you ahead of time so you won’t get squeamish. I’ve chosen to share this because it’s a very big marker along our walk, and I think many women will relate to it.  There are also deeper stories here about our thought process, and the incredible kindness we were offered these last few months that deserve acknowledgement.

Mostly, this is an intimate view to my inner workings, and my journal about one of the more important choices I have had to make, to date, about my health.

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Six Senses and Disconnected Randomness


The pace of Bangladesh and India is nonstop.

Gone are the days of peaceful meandering in the mountains of the Pamirs or wishful thinking in the desert stretches of Uzbekistan.

Our thoughts now come in rapid disconnected spurts, and our senses are overwhelmed with a constant attack of all things sweet, beautiful, ugly and gut-wrenching gross. There is little time for long, pensive reflections. Paying attention to what’s coming toward us or behind us takes all our energy.

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We notice a lot of things when walking the world.

As similar as we all are, we do things differently, either because of customs, cultures or habits.

Here are a few of the curious things we discovered in Bangladesh, in random order. (Lluís does a much better job remembering and noting all these little things. Check out his post in Catalan, published the same day as this one; you can use Google translate to get the gist.)

Continue reading Curiosities…Bangladesh