Però quí fa tot això?


Senzilla, clara i contundentment, les iranianes i els iraniàns.

Aquesta entrada és un gran, profundament sentit i merescut homenatge a totes les persones que dia rere dia ens han ajudat dins Iran. La generositat, hospitalitat i amabilitat que hem rebut no l’hem trobat mai abans, al llarg dels nostres nombrosos anys viatjant pel món.

L’entrada també es podria titular: NO aneu a Iran, SI…

English note: If you want to know how many Iranians really are, and how fantastically well they treated us, please take a moment to translate this text from Catalan to English. All these short stories happened to us, and do you know what is the best? They are all true! Iranians are really awesome!!

Continue reading Però quí fa tot això?

Who Does This?


Note: My version of this blog consolidates the many acts of kindness we received during our three months in Iran. Lluís, however, has done an incredible job writing about all of these experiences in much greater detail. If you really want to see how Iranians are, please take a few minutes and translate his post, Però quí fa tot això? from Catalan to English (Google Translate may help). All of these things happened to us…they are all true… and we are still overwhlemed thinking about how good people are to us!


We have been so lucky to be the recipients of all sorts of kindness for 18 months from Thailand to Uzbekistan.

But Iran takes hospitality to a completely different level, something we have not found anywhere else on this journey or on other “normal” trips.

Continue reading Who Does This?

A Hundred Times a Day

I quit this walk a hundred times a day. Really. Every single day.

I have conversations in my head all the time about how much I hate what we are doing, how I want my Barcelona life back, how I was happier then.

More often than I should, I count off all the reasons I want to stop, and all the things that make me tired.

Continue reading A Hundred Times a Day

Yazd-Esfahan-Astara (Azerbaidjan)


Aquesta entrada descriu el que ens ha succeït entre les poblacions del títol.

Aquests han estat els nostres últims dies a Iran. Hem acabat el nostre recorregut turístic sobre (fantàstiques) rodes, és a dir, viatjant amb transports públics, hem pogut seguir fruint de l’hospitalitat iraniana en aquest cas d’amics que havíem fet anteriorment i que hem pogut retrobar, hem caminat molt visitant les ciutats turístiques, hem mirat de descansar, recuperar-nos física i mentalment per, tot seguit, encarar la caminada a través d’Azerbaidjan.

Continue reading Yazd-Esfahan-Astara (Azerbaidjan)